Friday, March 21, 2008

Skin Tests Results

My dear god I hope to NEVER have to go through that again, but unfortunately we will be doing it again....with both girls :( I have NEVER heard a cry like that come out of Ava and I pray I never have to hear it again. 56 needles in your back all at the same time would make me scream, never mind a poor 2 year old.

So here are Ava's results. She was tested for 56 common allergens (all food). She reacted strongly (9's) to both milk and salmon. She reacted to white potato, beef and casein also. Those were all 7's. The white potato and beef were surprising since she eats tacos and chips all the time without a problem.

So nuts and eggs are a go. Of course the allergist wants us to wait until 3 to introduce both, but she showed no allergy on both the skin test and the RAST blood test. And we were told that between 2-3 is the prime time for a child to outgrow an allergy so here is hoping she outgrows the milk! The allergist believes she will outgrow it as most children will have outgrown it by 5. Here is hoping. Unfortunately she will not outgrow the fish allergy. Both my sister and I have the same allergy, so it wasn't surprising at all to say the least :) Ava will be res-tested at 3 to see where she is at and poor Ella will be tested at 1 since she has already tested positive for the milk protein allergy.

Ella had her 2 ( really 3) month appointment this week. She is a peanut like little Ava. Ella actually only weighs one ounce more than Ava at the same age. And Ella started out with 2 pounds on Ava! But Ella is tall, I mean really tall.....24.5 inches already!!! Ava was only 21 inches at this age. Ella did great with her shots ( and so did I!) she is perfect and getting cuter everyday!

Here are some new pictures of my little princesses.